“To desire nothing beyond what you have is surely happiness. Aboard a boat, it is frequently possible to achieve just that. That is why sailing is a way of life, one of the finest of lives.”
~ Carleton Mitchell ~
“I start from the premise that no object created by man is as satisfying to his body and soul as a proper sailing yacht.”
~ Arthur Beiser ~
“A tourist remains an outsider throughout his visit; but a sailor is part of the local scene from the moment he arrives.”
~ Anne Davison ~
“Being on a boat that’s moving through the water, it’s so clear. Everything falls into place in terms of what’s important and what’s not.”
~ James Taylor ~
“Ships are the nearest things to dreams that hands have ever made, for somewhere deep in their oaken hearts the soul of a song is laid.”
~ Robert N. Rose ~
“That’s what a ship is, you know—it’s not just a keel and a hull and a deck and sails, that’s what a ship needs. But what a ship is, really is, is freedom.”
~ Captain Jack Sparrow, “Pirates of the Caribbean” ~
“There is nothing like lying flat on your back on the deck, alone except for the helmsman aft at the wheel, silence except for the lapping of the sea against the side of the ship. At that time you can be equal to Ulysses and brother to him.”
~ Errol Flynn ~
“Land was created to provide a place for boats to visit.”
~ Brooks Atkinson ~